As I thought about writing my very first blog for Positive Pathways, I felt a bit overwhelmed.
Where do I want to start? What will have the most impact? Should I begin with a blog about coaching, maybe the Collaborative Process, perhaps mediation. Everything and nothing were jumping out for me at once. Then it came to me…I want to begin with gratitude.
For some time now, I have kept a daily gratitude practice. Each morning, as I start my day, I sit quietly and say thank you for whatever comes to mind in that moment, big or small. Practicing gratitude is really quite simple, you can do it anywhere, at any time. A gratitude practice helps us to think more positively, and the more we think positive thoughts, the healthier and happier we feel, and in time, those positive thoughts help to improve all areas of our lives.
I am so filled with gratitude for my wonderful friends who listen tirelessly to my ideas, who give me endless support, and who give so freely of themselves, offering their most wonderful talents and skills to make my vision a reality. I am grateful that through Positive Pathways, I have the opportunity to help others find their paths to resolution and success!
If you have a suggestion for a blog topic, please send me a message at [email protected]!