Gratitude…The State of Being Grateful
As I thought about writing my very first blog for Positive Pathways, I felt a bit overwhelmed. Where do I want to start? What will have the most impact? Should I begin with a blog about coaching, maybe the Collaborative Process, perhaps mediation. Everything and nothing were jumping out for me at once. Then it
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Coaching Helps to Rewire Our Brains
You know how you hate change so much that you avoid it at all costs? You choose to stay in the same unhappy situation, and you do the same thing over and over again, even though it’s not working for you. While our brains are naturally resistant, they do have the ability to change. The
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Our Three Centers of Intelligence
You may be familiar with the imperative, “Use your Head!” When we think about making decisions, we think about our heads, or our brains. After all, that’s where our intelligence lies, right? In part, yes, but that’s not the whole story. We actually have three centers of intelligence through which we experience and interact with
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Is Coaching Right for You?
WHAT IS COACHING? The ICF defines coaching as “Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential even in the face of growing complexity and uncertainty.” Coaching is a life changing experience. Each of us has our own best answer for any question that we
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When and how do I talk to my Spouse about Collaborative Divorce
Once the thought of separation and divorce enters your mind, your second thought should be about process. It is never too soon for you and your spouse to seek information about options. When you understand your options, you are in a better position to make informed decisions about how to move forward. You have researched
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Conflict Coaching – Experience Growth through Conflict
You might enter a formal process to resolve conflict, such as mediation. You may do this when you want a formal Agreement, such as when you and your spouse are separating and divorcing. Other times, you may just need to figure out the best way to manage and resolve conflict in your daily life, without
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